Thursday, October 31, 2019

United States And European Union Relations Research Paper

United States And European Union Relations - Research Paper Example Concurrently, the EU established the European Climate Change Programme with the intent of â€Å"identifying the most environmental-friendly and cost-effective ways to enable the EU to meet its target under the Kyoto Protocol.† The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement bridged to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Its main attribute is that it sets binding goals for 37 developed countries and the European countries for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The European Commission issued its schemes for a new energy policy for Europe. This represents the EU’s attempt to align its energy and climate policies. Typified as setting the pace for a â€Å"new global industrial revolution†, it asserts to commence the process of delivering a low carbon economy for Europe. However, the Commission needs to improve and expand the EUETS because of some limitations and to address criticisms. US and EU views on how to embark upon global climate c hange have been characterized by widely conflicting opinions on the significance of technology, the economic costs, the role of developing countries and the nature of importance of binding multilateral diminutions targets with or without trading means. However, with the enforcement of the Kyoto Protocol, and the recognition by the Kyoto Parties that medium to longer-term targets is likely to be complex to achieve than the previous commitment period Kyoto targets, the chance to move the pursuit of climate change agenda has arisen.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Evaluation of Gender Inequality Essay Example for Free

Evaluation of Gender Inequality Essay Charlotte Brontà « wrote in Jane Eyre, â€Å"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.† No visible net ensnares womankind. However, long have women been viewed and treated as unequal to their male counterparts. This inequality is alive everywhere. As displayed in Of Mice and Men, gender inequality is alive even in fiction. Gender equality has been an ongoing struggle in fiction and reality, our country and foreign countries, and in the past and the present. Gender inequality effects the people of the entire world. For example, there are major issues involving gender in Egypt. In Egypt, there are the sparks of movements trying to introduce women into government without challenging the reigning Brotherhood. Another place that struggles with gender inequality is the U.S. where women representation in government is very low. Only 17 out of 100 senate seats are held by women. Even in the U.S., one of the most highly regarded nations in the world, women are not entirely equal. Gender inequality has effected people all through time. In example, it wasn’t until the 1920’s that women could vote in the U.S. Women have long been considered less than their male counterparts. Only recently have women put a dent in the extreme patriarchy that has existed all through history. Today, women still are of unequal representation, pay, and rights across the globe. For example, in the U.S. today, there is an average pay gap of 77% (as of 2009). This means women earn 77 cents to a man’s dollar as pay for the same positions. This is one example of how inequality lingers in modern day first world countries. Gender inequality is also existent in both reality and fiction. We have already given many examples of real cases and statistics including representation and wage gaps. However, there is also gender inequality in the fictional world. For example, in Of Mice and Men, Curly’s wife is a prime example of gender struggles. She is constantly being marginalized. Sheis viewed as a thing that would get Lennie in trouble instead of an actual person. Even her name is never spoken. She is referred to as â€Å"Curly’s wife† which reaffirms Curly’s ownership over her and her status as a possession or an object instead of a human being. When her dead body is found, the first and only comment made of her death was along the lines of, â€Å"Poor boy.† Curly’s wife’s death was seen as nothing but something unfortunate for Lennie. This contributes to the pile of evidence that can conclude that Curly’s wife was considered a mere object. Through time, in foreign countries, and even in between pages, gender inequality has been a constant struggle. Charlotte Bronte wrote that she, a woman, is no bird. A woman, after having a net thrown on her and her fellows time and time again, must decide to declare that they are not a bird, but a human being. Human beings aren’t to be ensnared. It is said that the first step of fixing a problem is the recognition that it exists. So, women must understand that the net encompassing them is not a blanket, but a prison. Together, womankind must stand and declare, â€Å"We are not birds.† Hopefully, these examples of gender inequality is bringing more attention to the â€Å"net.† Hopefully, the realization will dawn that gender inequality is thriving among us and will not die out on its own. It has existed everywhere, always. A mighty effort is to be made to begin the reversal of this inequality and injustice.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Defining And Analysing Astral Projection Philosophy Essay

Defining And Analysing Astral Projection Philosophy Essay Astral Projection is a conscious attempt to experience being outside of ones physical human body, while being both alive and preferably awake at the time.   It is an attempt to have a controlled OOBE or (out of body experience).   It is not linked in any way to ritualistic magic and does not rely on any particular religious or belief system.   There are techniques for achieving an OOBE.   As yet I havent heard of it being at all dangerous.   However attempting to leave ones physical body under the influence of medication or hallucinogenic drugs is seriously not recommended! What happens when people Astral Project? They have what is commonly referred to as an OOBE or out of body experience where a part of them, be it the soul or consciousness, rises up from their physical body and either travels on the physical plane or on the astral plane. What is the astral plane? A topic of debate: The astral plane however can be likened to the Akasha, namely a place where all the thoughts, memories, fantasies and dreams of everyone in the world exist. The astral plane is thought to be a fantastic place to travel in, with many different travellers, entities and levels to it.   It is said to operate at a much higher frequency than the physical plane we inhabit. It is thought that the etheric body, spirit or mind can travel on the astral plane, which is said to appear more solid than the physical plane we all inhabit, this is because in order to travel it, the etheric body has to be existing and operating at the same higher frequency.   According to some the astral plane is far more mutable than the physical and can be changed and altered simply by the power of thought. Can people learn to Astral Project at will? Yes there are techniques that can be learned but what degree of success is achieved depends solely upon the individual. Why would anyone want to have an Astral Projection?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some people find it reassuring.   If it is possible for your consciousness to exist outside of your body, then it is also possible that your consciousness may be able to survive physical death.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some people like to use the technique for spiritual reasons, maybe wanting to be at one with the universe or for some religious reason.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some people like to try it, simply to prove that it cant be done a negative approach.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some people like to use it for their own ends.   They use it as a tool for clairvoyance to leave their bodies and go and seek out information or even spy.   The CIA set up experiments to see if people could leave their bodies to glean information from the enemy.   The CIA did it because they were convinced that the Russians were doing it.   There term for this kind of Astral Projection is called Remote Viewing.   After mixed success and possibly a lack of funding the project was eventually abandoned.   We dont know how the Russians fared.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some people want to try it just because they can try it and they just want to see what it feels like. Who first discovered Astral Projection?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ancient Egyptians were possibly one of the first cultures to record beliefs about the soul.   Hieroglyphics in tombs recorded hundreds of prayers that were to be said over the body of the deceased to guide the spirit on its way.   They believed that the soul ba was housed in a spirit body the Ka an exact replica of the physical body.   This on death gave way to the sahu the true spirit body that would house the ba forever.   In life the Ka and sahu were one of the same but the ka slowly diminished until only the sahu housed the ba.   However the Egyptians also believed that the Ka could leave the body during life and drew pictures of people sleeping with their Kas or souls floating above them.   This is very similar to the modern day descriptions of NDEs (Near Death Experiences).   Here the soul leaves the body at the point of death only to return again if the person is resuscitated.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Tibetans believe in the bardo body, which can leave the physical body while still alive and can also pass through physical matter because it is made of psychic material.   The bardo body can be directed wherever by will.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ancient Greeks believed in a double body, which housed the soul.   Plato believed that the soul was freed on death but could also leave the body during life and when it did it perceived the physical world as dimly lit.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dean Sheils, in research published in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research in 1978   A Cross-cultural Study of Beliefs in Out of Body Experiences, compared the believe systems of over 60 different cultures and found that fifty four of them had some concept of astral projection or astral travel and that half of them had also believed that it is possible for this to happen consciously and while alive.   Almost half claimed that certain members of their cultures could do this at will.   Only three cultures seemed to have no concepts or beliefs about this subject.   Those that did seemed to accept it as a normal and natural part of human existence. Source: (A Beginners Guide to Astral Projection by Richard Craze Hodder Stoughton 1999 ISBN: 0340 737557 What does modern science make of it? A man called Raymond A. Moody PhD. M.D. is often thought as the father of NDEs and has written a very popular book Life after Life on the subject. According to Richard Craze in his book A Beginners Guide to Astral Projection over the last 45 years there has been a more scientific approach taken.   The first major study was done in 1951 was by someone called Muldoon and Carrington.   They collected and collated over 100 cases of OOBEs.   They found that their research did indicate a double that could live consciously outside the physical body and that could also survive the death of the individual.   Richard Crookhall has also written many books on astral projection, and he states a number of recurrent themes. What are these recurrent themes?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some form of double.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A white light or illumination.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ability to travel at will.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Inability to move or use physical objects.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Feelings of tranquility and detachment.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A clear consciousness of what is happening.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A sense of realness. How is an OOBE most likely to be brought about?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By a NDE due to illness or exhaustion.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By an NDE due to accident.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Deliberately by people trying to leave their physical bodies.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By the application of drugs such as anesthetics.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By trauma or shock. What do the sceptics think?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is purely a mental state explained by complex chemical reaction.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An autoscopic hallucination.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cerebral anoxia or lack of oxygen to the brain. How common is the phenomena?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Possibly between 5 and 10% of the population, which suggests around 6 million in the U.K or as much as 30 million in the United States. Have there been reports of people seeing OOBE people while they were out?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Yes, which increases the likelihood that OOBEs are not purely tricks of the mind. How many types of OOBE are there?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Two voluntary and involuntary, one involves a conscious effort to leave ones body where the double is rarely or only faintly seen; and involuntary, say through an accident or trauma where the double is usually seen. What is a typical OOBE?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A typical OOBE only usually happens once in a lifetime.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Most often occurs lying down either resting or just before sleeping.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a feeling of floating or soaring, usually upwards.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is mostly adult women who experience the phenomenon although if you are a student you are even more likely to do so.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A typical case suggests some form of connection to the physical body, possibly by way of a silver cord.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are few reported cases of leaving the room, but there is a sense of realness and viewing the normal world.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Feelings of pleasantness, detachment and calmness often accompany an OOBE.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The person feels that the experience is real and although they feel the ability to go anywhere they rarely wish to do so.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   No ability or desire to change or move physical objects in their vicinity. Who has OOBEs?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many women and more often than not students probably due to their lifestyle and interests.   They are more likely to have heard about OOBEs and possibly more keen to try it. Are OOBEs simply a form of dreaming?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Definitely not because the sense of reality experienced is far too strong.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scientific results show that people undergoing OOBEs are not dreaming and they are not experiencing REM. Briefly, alpha waves decrease indicating a calm state and beta waves increase indicating that the volunteer is awake.   There is an increase in heart and respiration rates suggesting the presence of some stimulus or activity. Are OOBEs like NDEs?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An NDE or Near Death Experience is really just a different form of OOBE that is brought about when a person is at the point of death or just died.   It is more akin to passing over to the other side, seeing ones life flash before them and traveling down a dark or light tunnel towards the light, God or whatever you wish to call it. What is a typical NDE?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   People who are seriously ill hear themselves being declared dead, upon which a series of events are triggered, such as moving quickly down a tunnel and hearing unfamiliar noises.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They find themselves at the end of the tunnel and can usually see their own bodies being worked on by medical staff.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They sense that they have a form of body somewhat different to the one that they left behind and also become aware of deceased friends and relatives coming to help them cross to the other side.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They report an entity or being of light that plays their life review and every second that they have lived, but not judgmentally.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The beings of light are always described as full of love.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They are often told to return to their bodies and that their time on earth is not yet over.   Often there is a reluctance to return.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On their return they find words difficult to express the magnitude of the experience that they felt.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There views on life after death, tend to be radically altered and fear of death tends to diminish. How many types of NDE are there?    ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are two PNDEs (perceived NDEs, where the person has a suspicion that they are about to die) and UNDEs (unexpected NDEs, where the person is quite shocked to find themselves in a near death situation). Is the experience the same for both?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   No PNDEs tend to be associated with an accompanied journey with deceased loved ones to another world with another body replacing the one left behind. UNDEs are associated more with near fatal falls, electric shocks or drowning to elicit a response.   From here the person usually has a flashback of their life accompanied by feelings of happiness or peace.   There are not usually reports of a body instead feelings of just being that the person becomes pure thought or mind.   There is often a sudden return to their physical body. Is Astral Projection a popular topic on your website? Yes my monitoring software suggests that it is very popular. Do you have any good reference sources? Yes please visit my website and view astral projection alternatively see below. Sources: Any excerpts for this FAQ section taken from a book by >Richard Craze A Beginners Guide to Astral Projection by Hodder Stoughton 1999 ISBN: 0340 737557 Afterlife Knowledge   College of Psychic Studies International Association for Near Death Studies Life After Life Raymond A. Moody PhD. M.D.   Near Death Experiences HYPERLINK The Afterlife    Society for Psychical Research  

Friday, October 25, 2019

Aztec Warrior Essay -- History, Aztec Military Training

According to the legend, the Aztecs, who referred to themselves as the Mexica, spent years wandering through central Mexico in search of a homeland. In AD 1325, the Aztecs founded their new capital Tenochtitlan (Moctezuma, 9). Years later, the Aztecs started to build their renowned empire. The Aztec Empire was made up of the Triple Alliance: Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan (Moctezuma, 55). Agriculture was the basis of the Aztec’s economy, but conquest and warfare lead to economic expansion and the accumulation of tributes from conquered towns (Moctezuma, 21). War was vital, for it maintained and expanded the economic and religious basis (Moctezuma, 55). The Aztec warriors were the driving force of much of the Aztec empires success because of their training, weaponry, wardress, sacrificing, and combat. Aztec military training starts when a male child is twenty days old. There are two separate military training schools, Telpochcalli and Calmecac, whichever school the child entered was weighted heavily by heritage. Commoners usually went to Telpochcalli, to become soldiers, or Calmecac, to become a priest. Nobles, (privileged status from heritage), could become a priest, political, or military leader at Calmecac, which involved rigorous training of intellect and the training taught at telpochcalli. From here the youths would train until ready to be sponsored by veteran warriors that would take the youths to battle and watch over them. The youths would experience the war early to learn to courageously face death on the battlefield. Warfare provided commoners an opportunity for social advancement. Achievement on the battlefield would offer elevation of social status, honor and material awards. A distinguished military care... ...presenting Aztec gods). The eagle represented the images of the sun while descending and the jaguar represented the death of the sun (when the sun was not present in the sky). â€Å"This solar association refers to the Aztec warrior’s primary function, acquiring victims to nourish the sun† (Pasztory, 82). The ixcahuac, obsidian stone knives can be found in the Museo Nacional de Antropoligia, Mexico. Atzec Atlatls can be found at the Museo Nacional de Antropologia, Mexico two feet in length and one and a half inches thick with a hook at the upper end (Hassig, 76). The darts used with the atlatl, where made of wood and the butts were feathered, they would be fire hardened, and had obsidian, fishbone, copper, or flint points. Stone engravings of a warrior with an atlatl, dart, and shield originally from Tenochtitlan, Museo Nacional de Antropologia, Mexico, (Hassig, 78). Aztec Warrior Essay -- History, Aztec Military Training According to the legend, the Aztecs, who referred to themselves as the Mexica, spent years wandering through central Mexico in search of a homeland. In AD 1325, the Aztecs founded their new capital Tenochtitlan (Moctezuma, 9). Years later, the Aztecs started to build their renowned empire. The Aztec Empire was made up of the Triple Alliance: Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan (Moctezuma, 55). Agriculture was the basis of the Aztec’s economy, but conquest and warfare lead to economic expansion and the accumulation of tributes from conquered towns (Moctezuma, 21). War was vital, for it maintained and expanded the economic and religious basis (Moctezuma, 55). The Aztec warriors were the driving force of much of the Aztec empires success because of their training, weaponry, wardress, sacrificing, and combat. Aztec military training starts when a male child is twenty days old. There are two separate military training schools, Telpochcalli and Calmecac, whichever school the child entered was weighted heavily by heritage. Commoners usually went to Telpochcalli, to become soldiers, or Calmecac, to become a priest. Nobles, (privileged status from heritage), could become a priest, political, or military leader at Calmecac, which involved rigorous training of intellect and the training taught at telpochcalli. From here the youths would train until ready to be sponsored by veteran warriors that would take the youths to battle and watch over them. The youths would experience the war early to learn to courageously face death on the battlefield. Warfare provided commoners an opportunity for social advancement. Achievement on the battlefield would offer elevation of social status, honor and material awards. A distinguished military care... ...presenting Aztec gods). The eagle represented the images of the sun while descending and the jaguar represented the death of the sun (when the sun was not present in the sky). â€Å"This solar association refers to the Aztec warrior’s primary function, acquiring victims to nourish the sun† (Pasztory, 82). The ixcahuac, obsidian stone knives can be found in the Museo Nacional de Antropoligia, Mexico. Atzec Atlatls can be found at the Museo Nacional de Antropologia, Mexico two feet in length and one and a half inches thick with a hook at the upper end (Hassig, 76). The darts used with the atlatl, where made of wood and the butts were feathered, they would be fire hardened, and had obsidian, fishbone, copper, or flint points. Stone engravings of a warrior with an atlatl, dart, and shield originally from Tenochtitlan, Museo Nacional de Antropologia, Mexico, (Hassig, 78).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Womens rights

History of women's rights See also: Legal rights of women in history and Timeline of women's rights (other than voting) China The status of women In China was low, largely due to the custom of foot binding. About 45% of Chinese women had bound feet in the 19th century. For the upper classes, it was almost 100%. In 1912, the Chinese government ordered the cessation of foot-binding. Foot-binding Involved alteration of the bone structure so that the feet were only about 4 inches long.The bound feet caused difficulty of movement, thus greatly limiting the activities of women. Due to the social custom that men and omen should not be near to one another, the women of China were reluctant to be treated by male doctors of Western Medicine. This resulted in a tremendous need for female doctors of Western Medicine in China. Thus, female medical missionary Dr. Mary H. Fulton (1854-1927)[3] was sent by the Foreign Missions Board of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to found the first medical college for women in China.Known as the Hackett Medical College for Women this College was located In Guangzhou, China, and was enabled by a large donation from Mr. Edward A. K. Hackett (1851-1916) of Indiana, USA. The College was aimed at the spreading of Christianity and modern medicine and the elevation of Chinese women's social Greece The status of women in ancient Greece varied form city state to city state. Records exist of women in ancient Delphi, Gortyn, Thessaly, Megara and Sparta owning land, the most prestigious form of private property at the tlme. [8] In ancient Athens. omen had no legal personhood and were assumed to be part of the oikos headed by the male kyrios. Until marriage, women were under the guardianship of their father or other male relative. once married the husband became a woman's kyrlos. As omen were barred from conducting legal proceedings, the kyrios would do so on their behalf. [9] Athenian women had limited right to property and therefore were not considered full citizens, as citizenship and the entitlement to civil and political rights was defined in relation to property and the means to life. 10] However, women could acquire rights over property through gifts, dowry and inheritance, though her kyrios had the right to dispose of a woman's property[11] Athenian women could enter into a contract worth less than the value of a â€Å"medimnos of barley' (a measure of grain), allowing women to engage in petty trading. 9] Slaves, like women, were not eligible for full citizenship In ancient Athens, though In rare circumstances they could become citizens if freed. The only permanent barrier to citizenship, and hence full political and civil rights, in ancient Athens was gender.No women ever acquired citizenship In ancient Athens, and therefore women were excluded In principle and practice from ancient Athenian democracy. [12] By contrast, Spartan women enjoyed a status, power, and respect that was unknown in the rest of the classical world. Although Spartan women were formally excluded from military and political life they njoyed considerable status as mothers of Spartan warriors. As men engaged in military activity, women took responsibility for running estates. Following protracted and 40% of all Spartan land and By the Hellenistic Period, some of the wealthiest Spartans were women.The unique thing about Patria Potestas was that it ad no age limits, according to Gaius a man could be consul, have a wife and children of his own and future prominence but as long as his father was alive was still under his potestas (power) and so could own nothing. Patria Potestas only ended with either the death of the father, or emancipation by him. Early in the Republic Manus Marriage ended the potestas for women, but during the middle and later Republic that form of marriage became rare, eventually disappearing completely.Marriage Under Law Rome had only two forms of marriage, and both had exactly the opposite view of legal effects. Manus Marriage was the earlier form of marriage and placed the woman under her husband's manus legally standing in the position of a daughter. Under this type of marriage women could own nothing, and had little if any legal protections. On the other hand a woman assumed the position of her husband's daughter in Manus Marriage making her agnatically instead of cognatically related to Manus, and was the opposite of Manus.Women married Sine Manu experienced no legal changes, so if her father was alive at time of marriage she continued to be his dependent and before the reign of Marcus Aurelius he could even force an end to he marriage. The lack of any legal change of status for the women meant that (provided their father had either died or emancipated them) they could own property, conduct most forms of business, and divorce her husband (without any reason needed). Legally speaking the only lack of independence a woman in Rome experienced in a marriage without Manus was from her fathe r.The only legal issue related to marriage was dowry. A dowry was not required by law, but was usually provided by a father or if a father was nonexistent it would be whatever the bride wished to come out of her own estate. It was administered by the husband, but in the vent of a divorce he was required to provide either the dowry or the equivalent of it back to his wife. In the case of adultery, husbands got to keep portions of the dowry. Politics Legally speaking women were banned from politics.As with freedmen and slaves of the Imperial Family women of the imperial family gained some benefits from the fall of the Republic, but because the nature of the Principate was to hide dictatorship such power had to be subtle and kept out of the public eye when possible. The ban on women and politics was they could not vote or run for office (sine suffragio) enlist n the army, or represent somebody else in court, women speaking their minds was not considered politics and so some women like Hortensia managed to make appearances in politics without violating the law.Inheritance Rights Everyone under the potestas of another had equal rights of inheritance under Roman Law, and wills that did otherwise ran risks of being challenged and invalidated as negligent. Stoic Influence Stoic philosophies had a strong effect on the development of law in ancient Rome. The Roman stoic thinkers Seneca and Musonius Rufus developed theories of Just elationships (not to be confused with equality in society, or even equality) arguing that nature gives men and women equal capacity for virtue and equal obligations to act virtuously (a vague concept).Therefore they argued that men and women have an equal need for philosophical education. [20] Stoic theories entered Roman law first through the Roman lawyer and senator Marcus Tullius Cicero and the influence of stoicism and philosophy increased while the status of women improved under the Empire. [21] Religious scriptures Bible See Women in the Bible â€Å"Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living. (Genesis 3:20) â€Å"Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time. † Oudges 4:4) God chose a woman, Deborah, to lead Israel.Qur'an The neutrality of this article is disputed. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved. feminism, and Sex segregation and Islam The Qur'an, revealed to Muhammad over the course of 23 years, provide guidance to the Islamic community and modified existing customs in Arab society. From 610 and 661, known as the early reforms under Islam, the Qur'an introduced fundamental reforms to customary law and ntroduced rights for women in marriage, divorce and inheritance.By providing that the wife, not her family, would receive a dowry from the husband, which she could administer as her personal property, the Qur'an made women a legal party to the marriage contra ct. [citation needed] While in customary law inheritance was limited to male descendents, the Qur'an introduced rules on inheritance with certain fixed shares being distributed to designated heirs, first to the nearest female relatives and then the nearest male relatives. 22] According to Annemarie Schimmel â€Å"compared to he pre-lslamic position of women, Islamic legislation meant an enormous progress; the woman has the right, at least according to the letter of the law, to administer the wealth she has brought into the family or has earned by her own work. â€Å"[23] The general improvement of the status of Arab women included prohibition of female infanticide and recognizing women's full personhood. [24] Women were generally given greater rights than women in pre-lslamic Arabia[25][26] and medieval Europe. [27] Women were not accorded with such legal status in other cultures until centuries later. 28] According to Professor William Montgomery Watt, when seen in uch historical context, Muhammad â€Å"can be seen as a fgure who testified on behalf of women's rights. â€Å"[29] The Middle Ages According to English Common Law, which developed from the 12th century onward, all property which a wife held at the time of a marriage became a possession of her husband. Eventually English courts forbade a husband's transferring property without the consent of his wife, but he still retained the right to manage it and to receive the money which it produced.French married women suffered from restrictions on their legal capacity which were removed only in 1965. [30] In the 16th entury, the Reformation in Europe allowed more women to add their voices, including the English writers Jane Anger, Aemilia Lanyer, and the prophetess Anna Trapnell. English and American Quakers believed that men and women were equal. Many Quaker women were preachers. [31] Despite relatively greater freedom for Anglo-Saxon women, until the mid-19th century, writers largely assumed that a pat riarchal order was a natural order that had always existed. 32] This perception was not seriously challenged until the 18th century when Jesuit missionaries found matrilineality in native North American peoples. [33] 18th and 19th century Europe The Debutante (1807) by Henry Fuseli; The woman, victim of male social conventions, is tied to the wall, made to sew and guarded by governesses. The picture reflects Mary Wollstonecraft's views in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, published in 1792. [34] Starting in the late 18th century, and throughout the 19th century, rights, as a concept and claim, gained increasing political, social and philosophical importance in Europe.Movements emerged which demanded freedom of religion, the abolition of slavery, rights for women, rights for those who did not own property and universal to political debates in both France and Britain. At the time some of the greatest thinkers of the Enlightenment, who defended democratic principles of equality and challenged notions that a privileged few should rule over the vast majority of the population, believed that these principles should be applied only to their own gender and their own race.The philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau for example thought that it was the order of nature for woman to obey men. He wrote â€Å"Women do wrong to complain of the inequality of man-made laws† and claimed that â€Å"when she tries to usurp our rights, she is our First page of the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen In 1791 he French playwright and political activist Olympe de Gouges published the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen,[37] modelled on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789.The Declaration is ironic in formulation and exposes the failure of the French Revolution, which had been devoted to equality. It states that: â€Å"This revolution will only take effect when all women become fully aware of their deplorable condition, and of the rights they have lost in society'. The Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen ollows the seventeen articles of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen point for point and has been described by Camille Naish as â€Å"almost a parody†¦ f the original document†. The first article of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen proclaims that â€Å"Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be based only on common utility. † The first article of Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen replied: â€Å"Woman is born free and remains equal to man in rights. Social distinctions may only be based on common utility'.De Gouges expands the sixth article of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which declared the rights of citizens to take part in the formation of law, to: Australian women's rights were lampooned in this 1887 Melbourne Punch cartoon: A hypothetical female member foists her baby's care on the House Speaker â€Å"All citizens including women are equally admissible to all public dignities, offices and employments, according to their capacity, and with no other distinction than that of their virtues and talents†. De Gouges also draws attention to the fact that under French law women were fully punishable, yet denied equal rights. 8] Mary Wollstonecraft, a British writer and philosopher, published A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792, arguing that it was the education and upbringing of women that created limited expectations. Women’s Rights Over the centuries, women have faced numerous difficulties in a male supremacist infested society who places gender as the main determining element of human capacity. Despite the rise of liberal, secularist ideologies that express support for women’s rights in the 08th and 19th centuries, the problem remains chronic as there remain social prejudices and blind convictions on the weaknesses and shortcomings of women as members of society. . During the 50s, the media projected women as undignified citizens who do not have the right to exercise free will. Maurice Isserman and Michael Kazin recall Seventeen Magazine to have advised their readers about the role of women in a relationship. That the woman’s role was to function as partners and not rivals, enemies, and playthings, and that the relationship between women and men should create a heaven, a home that should serve as a place of sanctuary and peace (Isserman & Kazin, 2000, 13). The 1960s proved, on the other hand, to be one of the biggest turning points of women’s rights in the United States and across the world. Apart from the emergence of the second wave of feminists, the Vietnam War provided opportunities for women to show their capabilities as members of the working class. The entrance of women to the realm of the paid labor force were led by women who at the time were over the 40-year old mark Despite such remarkable turn of events, women remained to be deemed as underrated second class citizens. Primarily, tradition norms hold that women should not be granted education and right to labor as their capabilities are not equal to those of their male counterparts. As a result, society failed to acknowledge the statistical proliferation of women in the labor sector because of traditional belief and practice. In doing so, society also failed to look at the fact that the entrance of women in the labor force meant that women as unrecognized members of society have finally broken the domestic ideal that women are supposed to show their supremacy as homemakers and housewives. For the African American woman however, the deprivation of rights were enveloped in the concepts of gender and ethnicity. While African-American women enjoyed the rights to having paid labor similar to those of their male counterparts, they were always compared to white women (Isserman & Kazin, 2000, 26). And considering the rampant racial discrimination during the 20th century, the comparisons between African-American women and Caucasian women implied negativity. Likewise, the right to purity for African American women was among the most alarming concerns as the accepted norm regarding women who take pleasure for sensual activities were only ascribed to African American women. Maurice Isserman and Michael Kazin (2000, 27) write that white American Writer Willie Morris was shocked by the fact that a woman of his own skin tone does actually enjoy sexual intercourse. Morris added more insult to injury as he denoted his personal thought that â€Å"only Negro women engaged in the act of love with white males just for fun (Isserman & Kazin, 2000, 27). † Women’s rights over the years have been hindered by male supremacists who only believed in the capabilities of their own ego. However, it has also been apparent that apart from gender, skin tone and other physical features are also factors that hinder women from proliferating and being part of a prejudice-free society. But putting all the obstacles that gender issues bring forth, such obstacles should not be the cause of disheartening but a beacon of hope that women would one day face a world free of blind prejudice and mindless conformity. Women’s Rights Women are increasingly under attack in Afghanistan as far as women’s rights are concerned. The Taliban overthrew the afghan government in 1996, and ruled from 1996-2001, and during that time; strict restrictions had been executed on women. Women and girls were not allowed to work or receive education. There was an exception to the rule if a woman was widowed, and had no other source of income, and then she could work. Women could not go outside, unless they were covered in a head to toe â€Å"burqua,† which is their traditional attire, and a male relative had to accompany them. The burqua only has a small mesh opening over the eyes allowing limited vision, and many of the women had been injured due to poor visibility. If a woman showed a bit of her ankle or had noisy shoes, she would be beaten. In addition, women had no voice, so they are were not allowed to speak in public. From puberty until death, women could only speak to men who were relatives. Once â€Å"The War on Terrorism† began, it gave the Afghan and Iraqi women hope to reform their nation and improve the social situation. The Taliban were chased from the country by U. S. military forces in 2001, and there have been some improvements in women’s rights concerning education and employment although many still suffer the hardships they did before the war. Most improvements have happened in major cites of Afghanistan such as Kabul, leaving rural areas with very much change at all. The police still enforce the wearing of the â€Å"burqua† by the women, but in Kabul, many professional women no longer wear the burqua, but many still do. According to a July 2003 Human Rights Watch report, the Southeast Afghanistan army and police practice of kidnapping, robbing and raping is so prevalent that women and girls are staying home as a means of protection. The fear of assault and political intimidation prevents the women and girls from gaining an education, employment and political influence. † (National Organization for Women, 2008) There is no abiding law and order in Afghanistan by the police o r local authorities. The NATO forces do not have enough manpower to offer protection. However, armed fathers, husbands and brothers do all they can to protect the women. Afghanistan is also known for child brides and marrying off girls as young as eleven to men in their thirties and even older. â€Å"True, women hold 27 percent of the seats in the National Assembly and one-sixth of the seats in the Upper House. But most Afghan women remain illiterate, impoverished and vulnerable to political and criminal violence. Only 15 percent of Afghan woman can read. The United Nations has described Afghan women as being â€Å"among the worst-off in the world. On average, women in Afghanistan die at least 20 years younger than women elsewhere. †(Women in Afghanistan, 2006) In Herat, which is Afghanistan’s second largest city, the government has given women and girls limited educational and employment opportunities. Women groups have been censored, and derailed from the governments’ administration. It is bad enough that the government is threatening womenâ₠¬â„¢s rights, but society has imposed other means by handing out pamphlets in communities encouraging parents not to send their daughters to school, and many of the girls schools have been firebombed and burned. Some girls have been poisoned to death for going to school. Parents that often deny education for their daughters, force their young girls into marriage. Girls are forced into marriage as young as eight years old. Other restrictions that Afghan women face as a violation of women’s rights is a ban on outside employment, strict dress code for women, very limited medical care, threats of violence if seen without a husband, father or male relative and rejection of humanitarian aid. Women are denied any share of humanitarian aid delivered to their country under the assumption that the men will take care of the women. Before the Taliban takeover in 1996, the Afghanistan women were scientist, members of parliament, cabinet members, and university professors. They led corporations, non-profit organizations and local communities. Many of these women are more than qualified to lead Afghanistan back to democracy. In November 2001, shockingly, Afghan women marched for their rights in Kabul. For the first time in more than six years, Afghan women rallied for their rights. Hillary Clinton established a campaign for women in Afghanistan and in 1999; she spoke out on their behalf about the abuse and the wearing of the burqua of the women in Afghanistan. Over the years, some schools have reopened in Afghanistan allowing boys and girls to attend. Several women have also been appointed or elected to important political roles. In the past five years, in the southern city of Kandahar at least five thousand women have graduated from special literacy courses, where they learned how to read and write and were taught skills such as dressmaking or computer knowledge. There is a woman minister of public health, a woman minister of women’s affairs and a woman heading the human rights commission. Women are also now able to travel more freely, and they have returned to work. Although progress is being made, there is still much more turmoil. â€Å"Registered cases of physical violence against women and girls in Afghanistan have increased by about 40 percent since March 2007. Some women seek escape by self-immolation, resulting in death or disfigurement. Last year, at least 30 women committed suicide in the western Farah Province alone, most of them by setting themselves on fire, according to Afghan media reports. † (Afghanistan Online, 2008) The Afghanistan government announced a plan to give nearly one third of jobs to women by 2012. I hope that this will lead to greater things, and that the women’s rights of Afghanistan will improve and that every woman will be included throughout the country, and they can move forward. Women’s Rights Womens rights History of women's rights See also: Legal rights of women in history and Timeline of women's rights (other than voting) China The status of women In China was low, largely due to the custom of foot binding. About 45% of Chinese women had bound feet in the 19th century. For the upper classes, it was almost 100%. In 1912, the Chinese government ordered the cessation of foot-binding. Foot-binding Involved alteration of the bone structure so that the feet were only about 4 inches long.The bound feet caused difficulty of movement, thus greatly limiting the activities of women. Due to the social custom that men and omen should not be near to one another, the women of China were reluctant to be treated by male doctors of Western Medicine. This resulted in a tremendous need for female doctors of Western Medicine in China. Thus, female medical missionary Dr. Mary H. Fulton (1854-1927)[3] was sent by the Foreign Missions Board of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to found the first medical college for women in China.Known as the Hackett Medical College for Women this College was located In Guangzhou, China, and was enabled by a large donation from Mr. Edward A. K. Hackett (1851-1916) of Indiana, USA. The College was aimed at the spreading of Christianity and modern medicine and the elevation of Chinese women's social Greece The status of women in ancient Greece varied form city state to city state. Records exist of women in ancient Delphi, Gortyn, Thessaly, Megara and Sparta owning land, the most prestigious form of private property at the tlme. [8] In ancient Athens. omen had no legal personhood and were assumed to be part of the oikos headed by the male kyrios. Until marriage, women were under the guardianship of their father or other male relative. once married the husband became a woman's kyrlos. As omen were barred from conducting legal proceedings, the kyrios would do so on their behalf. [9] Athenian women had limited right to property and therefore were not considered full citizens, as citizenship and the entitlement to civil and political rights was defined in relation to property and the means to life. 10] However, women could acquire rights over property through gifts, dowry and inheritance, though her kyrios had the right to dispose of a woman's property[11] Athenian women could enter into a contract worth less than the value of a â€Å"medimnos of barley' (a measure of grain), allowing women to engage in petty trading. 9] Slaves, like women, were not eligible for full citizenship In ancient Athens, though In rare circumstances they could become citizens if freed. The only permanent barrier to citizenship, and hence full political and civil rights, in ancient Athens was gender.No women ever acquired citizenship In ancient Athens, and therefore women were excluded In principle and practice from ancient Athenian democracy. [12] By contrast, Spartan women enjoyed a status, power, and respect that was unknown in the rest of the classical world. Although Spartan women were formally excluded from military and political life they njoyed considerable status as mothers of Spartan warriors. As men engaged in military activity, women took responsibility for running estates. Following protracted and 40% of all Spartan land and By the Hellenistic Period, some of the wealthiest Spartans were women.The unique thing about Patria Potestas was that it ad no age limits, according to Gaius a man could be consul, have a wife and children of his own and future prominence but as long as his father was alive was still under his potestas (power) and so could own nothing. Patria Potestas only ended with either the death of the father, or emancipation by him. Early in the Republic Manus Marriage ended the potestas for women, but during the middle and later Republic that form of marriage became rare, eventually disappearing completely.Marriage Under Law Rome had only two forms of marriage, and both had exactly the opposite view of legal effects. Manus Marriage was the earlier form of marriage and placed the woman under her husband's manus legally standing in the position of a daughter. Under this type of marriage women could own nothing, and had little if any legal protections. On the other hand a woman assumed the position of her husband's daughter in Manus Marriage making her agnatically instead of cognatically related to Manus, and was the opposite of Manus.Women married Sine Manu experienced no legal changes, so if her father was alive at time of marriage she continued to be his dependent and before the reign of Marcus Aurelius he could even force an end to he marriage. The lack of any legal change of status for the women meant that (provided their father had either died or emancipated them) they could own property, conduct most forms of business, and divorce her husband (without any reason needed). Legally speaking the only lack of independence a woman in Rome experienced in a marriage without Manus was from her fathe r.The only legal issue related to marriage was dowry. A dowry was not required by law, but was usually provided by a father or if a father was nonexistent it would be whatever the bride wished to come out of her own estate. It was administered by the husband, but in the vent of a divorce he was required to provide either the dowry or the equivalent of it back to his wife. In the case of adultery, husbands got to keep portions of the dowry. Politics Legally speaking women were banned from politics.As with freedmen and slaves of the Imperial Family women of the imperial family gained some benefits from the fall of the Republic, but because the nature of the Principate was to hide dictatorship such power had to be subtle and kept out of the public eye when possible. The ban on women and politics was they could not vote or run for office (sine suffragio) enlist n the army, or represent somebody else in court, women speaking their minds was not considered politics and so some women like Hortensia managed to make appearances in politics without violating the law.Inheritance Rights Everyone under the potestas of another had equal rights of inheritance under Roman Law, and wills that did otherwise ran risks of being challenged and invalidated as negligent. Stoic Influence Stoic philosophies had a strong effect on the development of law in ancient Rome. The Roman stoic thinkers Seneca and Musonius Rufus developed theories of Just elationships (not to be confused with equality in society, or even equality) arguing that nature gives men and women equal capacity for virtue and equal obligations to act virtuously (a vague concept).Therefore they argued that men and women have an equal need for philosophical education. [20] Stoic theories entered Roman law first through the Roman lawyer and senator Marcus Tullius Cicero and the influence of stoicism and philosophy increased while the status of women improved under the Empire. [21] Religious scriptures Bible See Women in the Bible â€Å"Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living. (Genesis 3:20) â€Å"Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time. † Oudges 4:4) God chose a woman, Deborah, to lead Israel.Qur'an The neutrality of this article is disputed. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved. feminism, and Sex segregation and Islam The Qur'an, revealed to Muhammad over the course of 23 years, provide guidance to the Islamic community and modified existing customs in Arab society. From 610 and 661, known as the early reforms under Islam, the Qur'an introduced fundamental reforms to customary law and ntroduced rights for women in marriage, divorce and inheritance.By providing that the wife, not her family, would receive a dowry from the husband, which she could administer as her personal property, the Qur'an made women a legal party to the marriage contra ct. [citation needed] While in customary law inheritance was limited to male descendents, the Qur'an introduced rules on inheritance with certain fixed shares being distributed to designated heirs, first to the nearest female relatives and then the nearest male relatives. 22] According to Annemarie Schimmel â€Å"compared to he pre-lslamic position of women, Islamic legislation meant an enormous progress; the woman has the right, at least according to the letter of the law, to administer the wealth she has brought into the family or has earned by her own work. â€Å"[23] The general improvement of the status of Arab women included prohibition of female infanticide and recognizing women's full personhood. [24] Women were generally given greater rights than women in pre-lslamic Arabia[25][26] and medieval Europe. [27] Women were not accorded with such legal status in other cultures until centuries later. 28] According to Professor William Montgomery Watt, when seen in uch historical context, Muhammad â€Å"can be seen as a fgure who testified on behalf of women's rights. â€Å"[29] The Middle Ages According to English Common Law, which developed from the 12th century onward, all property which a wife held at the time of a marriage became a possession of her husband. Eventually English courts forbade a husband's transferring property without the consent of his wife, but he still retained the right to manage it and to receive the money which it produced.French married women suffered from restrictions on their legal capacity which were removed only in 1965. [30] In the 16th entury, the Reformation in Europe allowed more women to add their voices, including the English writers Jane Anger, Aemilia Lanyer, and the prophetess Anna Trapnell. English and American Quakers believed that men and women were equal. Many Quaker women were preachers. [31] Despite relatively greater freedom for Anglo-Saxon women, until the mid-19th century, writers largely assumed that a pat riarchal order was a natural order that had always existed. 32] This perception was not seriously challenged until the 18th century when Jesuit missionaries found matrilineality in native North American peoples. [33] 18th and 19th century Europe The Debutante (1807) by Henry Fuseli; The woman, victim of male social conventions, is tied to the wall, made to sew and guarded by governesses. The picture reflects Mary Wollstonecraft's views in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, published in 1792. [34] Starting in the late 18th century, and throughout the 19th century, rights, as a concept and claim, gained increasing political, social and philosophical importance in Europe.Movements emerged which demanded freedom of religion, the abolition of slavery, rights for women, rights for those who did not own property and universal to political debates in both France and Britain. At the time some of the greatest thinkers of the Enlightenment, who defended democratic principles of equality and challenged notions that a privileged few should rule over the vast majority of the population, believed that these principles should be applied only to their own gender and their own race.The philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau for example thought that it was the order of nature for woman to obey men. He wrote â€Å"Women do wrong to complain of the inequality of man-made laws† and claimed that â€Å"when she tries to usurp our rights, she is our First page of the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen In 1791 he French playwright and political activist Olympe de Gouges published the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen,[37] modelled on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789.The Declaration is ironic in formulation and exposes the failure of the French Revolution, which had been devoted to equality. It states that: â€Å"This revolution will only take effect when all women become fully aware of their deplorable condition, and of the rights they have lost in society'. The Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen ollows the seventeen articles of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen point for point and has been described by Camille Naish as â€Å"almost a parody†¦ f the original document†. The first article of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen proclaims that â€Å"Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be based only on common utility. † The first article of Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen replied: â€Å"Woman is born free and remains equal to man in rights. Social distinctions may only be based on common utility'.De Gouges expands the sixth article of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which declared the rights of citizens to take part in the formation of law, to: Australian women's rights were lampooned in this 1887 Melbourne Punch cartoon: A hypothetical female member foists her baby's care on the House Speaker â€Å"All citizens including women are equally admissible to all public dignities, offices and employments, according to their capacity, and with no other distinction than that of their virtues and talents†. De Gouges also draws attention to the fact that under French law women were fully punishable, yet denied equal rights. 8] Mary Wollstonecraft, a British writer and philosopher, published A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792, arguing that it was the education and upbringing of women that created limited expectations.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Understanding Where Money Goes in the Stock Market

Understanding Where Money Goes in the Stock Market When a stock market price for a company suddenly takes a nosedive, a stakeholder may wonder where the money they invested went. Well, the answers not so simple as someone pocketed it. Money that enters the stock market through investment in a companys shares stays in the stock market, though that shares value does fluctuate based on a number of factors. The money invested initially in a share combined with the current market value of that share determine the net worth of shareholders and the company itself. It may be easier to understand this given a specific example such as three investors - Becky, Rachel, and Martin - entering the market to buy a share of Company X, wherein Company X is willing to sell one share of their company in order to increase capital and their net worth through investors. An Example Exchange in the Market In this scenario, Company X has no money but owns one share that it would like to sell the open exchange market while Becky has $1,000, Rachel has $500, and Martin has $200 to invest. If Company X has an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of $30 on the share and Martin buys it, Martin would then have $170 and one share while Company X has $30 and one less share. If the market booms and Company Xs stock price goes up to $80 per share, then Martin decides to sell his stake in the company to Rachel, Martin would then exit the market with no shares but up $50 from his original net worth to now total $250. At this point, Rachel has $420 left but also acquires that share of Company X, which remains unaffected by the exchange. Suddenly, the market crashed and Company X stock prices plummet to $15 a share. Rachel decides to opt out of the market before it goes any further down and sells her share to Becky; this places Rachel with no shares at $435, which is down $65 from her initial net worth, and Beck at $985 with Rachels stake in the company as part of her net worth, totaling $1,000. Where the Money Goes If weve done our calculations correctly, the total money lost has to equal the total money gained and the total number of stocks lost has to equal the total number of stocks gained. Martin, who gained $50, and Company X, who gained $30, have collectively gained $80, while Rachel, who lost $65, and Becky, who is sitting on a $15 investment, collectively lost $80, so no money has entered or left the system. Similarly, AOL’s one stock loss is equal to Becky’s one stock gained. To calculate the net value of these individuals, at this point, one would have to assume the current stock exchange rate for the stake, then add that to their capital in the bank if the individual owns stock while subtracting the rate from those who are down a share. Company X would, therefore, have a net value of $15, Marvin $250, Rachel $435, and Beck $1000. In this scenario, Rachels lost $65 has gone to Marvin, who gained $50, and to Company X, who has $15 of it. Further, if you change the value of the stock, the total net amount Company X and Becky are up will be equal to $15, so for every dollar the stock goes up, Becky will have a net gain of $1 and Company X will have a net loss of $1 - so no money will enter or leave the system when the price changes. Note that in this situation nobody put more money in the bank from the down market. Marvin was the big winner, but he made all his money before the market crashed. After he sold the stock to Rachel, hed have the same amount of money if the stock went to $15 or if it went to $150. Why Does Company Xs Value Increase When Stock Prices Fall? It is true that Company Xs net value does go up when the stock price goes down because when the price of the stock plunges, it becomes cheaper for Company X to repurchase the share they sold to Martin initially. If the stock price goes to $10 and they repurchase the share from Becky, they will be up to $20 as they initially sold the share for $30. However, if the stock price goes to $70 and they repurchase the share, they will be down $40. Note that unless they actually make this transaction Company X does not gain or lose any cash from changes in the share price. Lastly, consider Rachels situation. If Becky decides to sell her share to Company X, from Rachels perspective it doesn’t matter what price Becky charges Company X as Rachel will still be down $65 no matter what the price. But unless Company actually makes this transaction, theyre up to $30 and down one share, no matter what the market price of that share is. By constructing an example, we can see where the money went, and see that the guy making all the money made it just before the crash happened.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Meaning of a Work of Art, Media or Design Is Not Fixed, Whatever the Intetions of the Maker Essay Example

The Meaning of a Work of Art, Media or Design Is Not Fixed, Whatever the Intetions of the Maker Essay Example The Meaning of a Work of Art, Media or Design Is Not Fixed, Whatever the Intetions of the Maker Essay The Meaning of a Work of Art, Media or Design Is Not Fixed, Whatever the Intetions of the Maker Essay The meaning of a work of art, media or design is not fixed, whatever the intetions of the maker. Choose a specific example and discuss: How it’s meaning might change depending on where it is seen and by whom. Introduction; The meaning of a work of art, media or design may or may not change depending on the audience viewing the object. The object will not change in appearance, but will the perception? Throughout this essay I will explore whether the meaning could actually change depending on who it is seen by and where it is seen. I will do this by discussing the intent of the directors, photographers and artists to gain full information of why the creator first intended to create and did it fulfill the reason. Also I will research some of the world’s most famous well known mediums and what makes them an important part of todays society and can we as the public really commit to liking them because they are our personal taste and opinion or do we enjoy them because of the background and intent of the creator, or maybe just because they are famous. a photograph should clearly show the intention of the photographer† -Martin Parr 1952 (bibliography) I found this quote by Martin Parr it particularly interested me because of the way it shows that not all photographers intent is the same. Parr has many quotes in his books and from articles I have read (bibliography- books) They explain his theories of what the context of pictures should be. And argues why they should be like that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦(example of quote of argument bibliography) Martin Parr’s work presents the viewers and the audience with images that represent the place and the atmosphere with in them, the pictures maybe basic but beautifully captured, the intent of the pictures are not hidden nor do you have to look in depth for any meaning (bibliography of photo’s). This may be a good attribute about his work or a negative one, depending on the viewer. In one of Martin Parrs books alled ‘Our True Intent Is All For Your Delight: The John Hinde Butlins Photographs. ’ Parr’s opinions of other peoples work became clear when he was interviewed for the book about John Hinde in the 90’s. After parr who worked along John Hinde and then became a fan, collecting his work since 1971. â€Å"British postcard photographer John Hindes glowing color images of Butlins Holiday Camps in the 60s and 70s, presented and with an introduction by Martin Parr† (bibliography- suite101. om/content/our-true-intent-is-all-for-your-delight-a84653) The introduction said that â€Å"As with all Hinde imagery, they show an idealised view of the world and, after the passage of time, acquire the power of a lost dream. The most remarkable thing of all is that the cards were painstakingly produced not for any aspirational ideas or as great art, but as humble postcards to sell for a few pence to holidaymakers. † This particular introduction by Martin Parr really gave me an idea of what the British photographer liked as a person and what work he really admired to see and what influenced him. To me their work are rather similar and inspired Parr to publish one of his most recent books ‘Boring Postcards’ 1999 and 2000; the Boring postcards of the 1960’s-1970’s include a selection of Hides work. thingsmagazine. net/text/t15/postcards. htm This blog by jonathon bell- ‘what goes around, comes around’ gives the reader the idea of an unbiased and open opinion of the book and what he think’s the book it about. I found that reading the blog made me feel that is the intent of the photographers work really the main objective here? nd is it all just contradiction. For example Martin Parr deliberately puts forth in interviews and in his literature that the intent should be clear in the photograph and should be hidden (QUOTE by martin parr). Through reading the passage by Jonathon Bell going into depth about what the picture meant to him, and what the photograph portrait made me think did Martin Parr mean for this to happen â€Å"Are th ese visual portents of trouble ahead the key attraction? For those of us unfamiliar with the dark art of the stylist or the existence of light pimps and backstreet Seventies stereo specialists, Boring Postcards is streaked through with regret. Here is a world that might have been. It’s hard to tell when the scales fell from our eyes and modernism – in all its variants – began its long spell in the wilderness† Martin Parr’s ideological way of taking photographs can be compared with many contemporary

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Argentine Tango

Argentine Tango Introduction Tango, an explicit dance that started off in Buenos Aires in the late 1800’s has gone through many changes to become one of the most popular style of music and dance in the world today. From a grimy beginning to a prestigious end the Tango has survived the test of time and has become a genre that captivates people even today. History and Importance In the 1800’s dances such as the Contradanza and Minue were very popular social dances performed mainly by people of the middle and high classes. These socially accepted dances were performed standing opposite each other with minimal or no physical contact. The most was the holding of hands at certain points. It was the Viennese Waltz and the Quadrille that first became the popular dances incorporating the intimate touching and close holding of the other dance member. The Polka was the second popular dance which originated in Europe that used the same dancing style as the Viennese Waltz with intimate touching and holding. In today’s time it is common for a couple to dance in close proximity and hold each other tightly. It must be understood that in the second half of the 19th century, this dancing style was considered outrageous and shameful. It was this Polka dancing style that was later taken to Argentina where it was to reach new heights. Around the 1880’s in bars, gambling houses and brothels along Rio de la Plata in Buenos Aires is where the Tango originated. It was the poor local residents of Buenos Aires which included many immigrants from Europe who begun this world-wide phenomenon called the Tango. The poor, drunk, lonely men of Buenos Aires were the first ones that experimented with this new dance from abroad with ill reputed women such as prostitutes. It can be easily argued that in such circumstances any experimentation in terms of the dance steps was very possible and was performed. Perhaps this is why the origin... Free Essays on Argentine Tango Free Essays on Argentine Tango Argentine Tango Introduction Tango, an explicit dance that started off in Buenos Aires in the late 1800’s has gone through many changes to become one of the most popular style of music and dance in the world today. From a grimy beginning to a prestigious end the Tango has survived the test of time and has become a genre that captivates people even today. History and Importance In the 1800’s dances such as the Contradanza and Minue were very popular social dances performed mainly by people of the middle and high classes. These socially accepted dances were performed standing opposite each other with minimal or no physical contact. The most was the holding of hands at certain points. It was the Viennese Waltz and the Quadrille that first became the popular dances incorporating the intimate touching and close holding of the other dance member. The Polka was the second popular dance which originated in Europe that used the same dancing style as the Viennese Waltz with intimate touching and holding. In today’s time it is common for a couple to dance in close proximity and hold each other tightly. It must be understood that in the second half of the 19th century, this dancing style was considered outrageous and shameful. It was this Polka dancing style that was later taken to Argentina where it was to reach new heights. Around the 1880’s in bars, gambling houses and brothels along Rio de la Plata in Buenos Aires is where the Tango originated. It was the poor local residents of Buenos Aires which included many immigrants from Europe who begun this world-wide phenomenon called the Tango. The poor, drunk, lonely men of Buenos Aires were the first ones that experimented with this new dance from abroad with ill reputed women such as prostitutes. It can be easily argued that in such circumstances any experimentation in terms of the dance steps was very possible and was performed. Perhaps this is why the origin...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Critically evaluate methodologies for achieving risk management Essay

Critically evaluate methodologies for achieving risk management process evaluation and change and comment on the constraints - Essay Example The methodologies for the management of risk in the hospitality industry may be broadly classified as being organisational and financial in nature. The strategies for the management of risks in the hospitality industry may be classified as being defensive, cautious or offensive in nature and these may be dictated by the broad business environment of the day. Risk avoidance, risk reduction or risk transfer are the organisational methodologies for managing risks and their financial counterparts for the management of risks include risk retention, transfer of risk related financial liability and risk repartition in which risks are spread amongst a number of businesses or groups. Whereas a practical organisational strategy is likely to combine a number of techniques to handle risks associated with a hospitality operation, attempts towards the repartition of risks present the best way to deal with situations in a global economy in which the clients of the hospitality industry or the touris ts have a number of alternatives that are available to them. This brief essay attempts to take a look at the methodologies for managing risk in the hospitality industry. Any economic activity is characterised by an associated exposure to risk as a result of the conduct of the activity. Large projects may be exposed to risks associated with delays, cost escalations and exchange rate fluctuations etc. In the hospitality industry, risks may arise as a result of investment risks in ventures, risks arising out of the globalisation of tourism, risks associated with requirements to comply with legal and licensing requirements and health as well as safety risks in establishments. Investment risks and the risks arising out of the globalisation of the tourism industry have to be considered at the time of investing in a new venture and these risks are more of long term or strategic risks in nature. Risks that are associated

Friday, October 18, 2019

Planning in SWA Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Planning in SWA Group - Essay Example This has resulted in the organization’s services been leased. The planning model that the organization intends to use is the rational model of planning (Mullins, 2010). This involves identifying the problems they are encountering, formation and evaluation of their criteria’s of planning along with the creation and implementation of alternative solutions (Murphy and Willmott, 2010). This model is mainly used in the planning of towns and their systems of transport and this paper will elaborate how SWA group manages planning. The organization will start by confirming, describing and laying out the details of the problem being encountered. This will involve first identifying the problems at hand and then defining a possible solution to begin making changes. The solution is then analyzed for the purpose of checking whether it adequately solves the problems at hand. This involves the management’s ability to come up with more creative designs, schemes and breakthroughs. This model facilitates the decision making process to become a group process since ideas will have to be shared. The organization’s competitors such as Brennerplan and the Taylor Siefker Williams group of design have experienced success in their activities due to the influences of their group decision making processes (Morgan, 2006). The decisions that result from group decisions are normally well thought of with their repercussions being evaluated. Many, diverse opinions are also offered with the best alternatives being selected to efficiently solve the issues in question. After the identification and analysis of the problems being experienced, the organization embarks on the generation of different solutions to the problem (Mullins, 2010). This will involve the suggestion and selection of up to three solutions to solve the problem along with their implementation to the problem’s site. This will involve their efforts in revitalizing the slums and developing planned u nits in the towns. Such activities will be carried out in groups for the purpose of achieving the different solutions to these problems. The emergence of alternative solutions for the organization enables the management to apply rationality in selecting the best possible solutions. The organization collects information using their available technology for the purpose of discovering alternatives to their problems. These alternatives will undergo evaluations to determine their levels of success or failure before being implemented. The analysis will provide final solutions to their problems. It will include activities such as carrying out an examination of the sites in question to determine their sensitivity and appropriateness. This assists in evaluating the consequences of the solutions they have chosen to implement. The organization will also consider the various options they have of evaluating their different solutions. This will be done before the implementation of final solutions to the sites. The organization’s competitors use different models that the management will also have to evaluate. This will be done to determine their efficiency in solving the problems before discarding them. Once the best decision has been selected, their application to the problems site will then be implemented. The above steps form the heart of the decision making

Free writing journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14

Free writing journal - Essay Example All the rest were cracked showing that women, though pretending to be tough are still vulnerable under extreme cold temperature. The story makes me feel the disappointment of the author with the society. Because she’s a woman, she understands how other women may have felt trapped within a marriage that does not allow them to grow and be themselves. I felt anger and frustration at how the men in the story treated women’s things and activities as trifles, useless, senseless things. I also felt the hidden anger, which was shown with the discovery of Mrs. Wright’s motive to kill her husband. I felt the undervalued strength of women as they band together, like sisters protecting their own, when the two wives took the evidence proving that Mrs. Wright has enough motive to kill her husband. This short story makes the reader realize that women are really in touch with their own nature and they are often misunderstood by men. It is full of symbolism showing how women are unappreciated and underestimated. But more than that I felt the calling within the story, the call for women to take arms and band themselves together in order to fight the injustice against women, to create a place for women in the world, not merely as slaves in marriage but as a partner towards creating a successful family and

Stereotype Logic and Programming Paper Assignment

Stereotype Logic and Programming Paper - Assignment Example The current paper critically discusses three stereotypes encountered in life and the effects they can have on others. The common stereotype about bullying is that the perpetrator is always a big, dumb and violent boy, while the victim is smaller and weaker. This notion is embedded in traditional views among schoolchildren that bullying is a rite of passage. From a social perspective, prejudice bullying is viewed as a social crisis deeply rooted in the wider social discourse with individuals justifying the use of negative behavior towards an out-group (Boyle, 2005). Traditionally, bullies were seen as having high self-esteem and those who did not do it were viewed as weak. The bullying stereotypes are largely based on the traditional perception that circumstances of imbalance of power must exist for bullying to occur. Other arguments include the perception that bullies struggle with academics and are socially detached. However, a critical analysis suggests that these arguments are mis taken. With the increased use of social networking sites, the nature of bullying has changed dramatically. Information and communication technology enables people to harm others using text messages via cell phones, emails or via social sites. Girls have become cyber-bullies and the traditional view that the perpetrator is stronger and bigger is becoming more obscure. Bullying is now not limited to schools or to people we know. Any one with a harmful intent can bully. The bully must not have any physical advantage in terms of body size or any other form of leverage. A common gender stereotype is that women are not good in competitive sports. Gender stereotypes are biased generalizations about the roles of individuals based on gender attributes. A predominant view about women is that they are generally poor in competitive sports. The main argument for this stereotype is based on traditional perceptions and beliefs about gender roles and sexuality. Other arguments are based on the fact that different performance measures and fitness levels are administered for female athletes. On the contrary, women are as good as men in competitive sports. While women and girls comprise a large part of the population, popular media do not cover women sports as equally as they cover men’s sports (Center for Gender Equality, 2006). Gender stereotyping is common in televised sports, hence, cementing the notion that women are sex objects and humorous fans, but not athletes. The Center for Gender Equality (2006) asserts that gender stereotypes and socialization contribute to the traditional gender roles of women and men, with the media playing a critical role in perpetuating this perception. One of the common stereotypes about old people and aging is that they are lonely and conservative homebodies, who live with relatives. This stereotype is perpetuated via the traditional patterns of behavior associated with Christianity, a predominant religion in our area. The arguments are based on the perception that terminally old people are heavily incapacitated by diseases and depend on other before death. Such generalizations affect the behavior and experiences of old people. People can be persuaded to believe they are elderly, even when they are still healthy and capable of taking care of themselves. More importantly, stereotypes about aging are constructed many years before individuals actually become old. On the contrary, there is a strong association between health and wellbeing. A critical analysis suggests the ‘lonely’ stereotype emanates from the fact that many old people live in houses with relatives. However, old people have a diverse social networking established throughout the years. This

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Program management Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Program management - Article Example PMO also aids in the improvement of the project success rates in an organization due to the incorporation of skills and expertise in the management of projects and ensures standardization of projects across the organization. The article goes further to give the two models of PMO; consultative and centralized PMO capacities and gives the other advantage of PMO as augmenting employee productivity through efficient resource allocation in an organization. The type of PMO to be implemented in an organization depends on the culture and the changes and benefits that the organization aims at achieving within a stipulated time leading to the need for customization and patience for a PMO office that result in increased bottom-line results, customer satisfaction, and resource utilization (Santosus, 2013). The article is useful in aiding the development of PMO through giving the benefits of having PMO, the strategies to introduce PMO in an organization, the challenges that are faced by a PMO, and the skills and expertise that the PMO brings to the organization. The article explores varied factors for the choice of PMO model to implement depending on the factors inherent in the organization allowing organizations to have a better understanding when developing PMO. The article also aids in developing the PMO due exposition of results from companies that have implemented the development giving companies a benchmark for their needs and results of a

Physicians Assisted Suicide Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Physicians Assisted Suicide - Research Paper Example In addition, the practice would lessen the urgency to develop new medicines designed to prolong life. Those who oppose the practice on religious grounds argue that it is ‘playing God’ therefore sinful. Health care professionals cite the Hippocratic Oath which forbids them from carrying out this procedure. This paper will examine the moral and ethical concerns surrounding euthanasia, clarify the meaning of the term, present arguments both for and against the practice and conclude with a recommendation to resolve the issue. The word euthanasia is from Greek origin meaning ‘good death.’ Writers of 1700’s Britain referred to euthanasia as a being a preferential method by which to ‘die well’ (â€Å"Definition†, 2007). Euthanasia describes a situation in which a terminally ill patient is administered a lethal dose of medication, is removed from a life-support system or is simply allowed to die without active participation such as by resuscitation. A doctor’s involvement in the procedure could be to either prescribe a lethal dose of drugs with the express intent of ending a life or by intravenously inserting a needle into the terminal patient who then activates a switch that administers the fatal dose (Naji et al, 2005). Physicians, lawmakers, and philosophers have debated the notion of euthanasia since the beginning of recorded history but the wide public debate regarding its legalization has only surfaced over the past four decades. In the 1970’s it bec ame lawful to draft ‘living wills’ which allows a patient to refuse ‘heroic’ life saving medical assistance in the event they were incapacitated and could only survive by artificial means (Rich, 2001). In other words, it gave the next of kin the right to direct doctors to ‘pull the plug’ if the patient’s condition was considered hopeless, a practice which is now broadly accepted. The unfortunate reality is the majority of people in the U.S. die a ‘bad death.’   A study determined that â€Å"more often than not, patients died in pain, their desires concerning treatment neglected, after spending 10 days or more in an intensive care unit† (Horgan, 1996).   Most Americans (53 percent) believe euthanasia to be not only compassionate but ethically acceptable and 69 percent would support the legalization of euthanasia according to a Gallup Poll conducted in 2004 (â€Å"Public Grapples†, 2004).   Opponents of a doctor-assisted suicide law often cite the potential for doctor abuse.   However, recent Oregon and UK laws show that you can craft reasonable laws that prevent abuse and still protect the value of human life.   For example, laws could be drafted that requires the approval of two doctors plus a psychologist, a reasonable waiting period, family members’ written consent and limits the procedure to specific medical cond itions.     

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Stereotype Logic and Programming Paper Assignment

Stereotype Logic and Programming Paper - Assignment Example The current paper critically discusses three stereotypes encountered in life and the effects they can have on others. The common stereotype about bullying is that the perpetrator is always a big, dumb and violent boy, while the victim is smaller and weaker. This notion is embedded in traditional views among schoolchildren that bullying is a rite of passage. From a social perspective, prejudice bullying is viewed as a social crisis deeply rooted in the wider social discourse with individuals justifying the use of negative behavior towards an out-group (Boyle, 2005). Traditionally, bullies were seen as having high self-esteem and those who did not do it were viewed as weak. The bullying stereotypes are largely based on the traditional perception that circumstances of imbalance of power must exist for bullying to occur. Other arguments include the perception that bullies struggle with academics and are socially detached. However, a critical analysis suggests that these arguments are mis taken. With the increased use of social networking sites, the nature of bullying has changed dramatically. Information and communication technology enables people to harm others using text messages via cell phones, emails or via social sites. Girls have become cyber-bullies and the traditional view that the perpetrator is stronger and bigger is becoming more obscure. Bullying is now not limited to schools or to people we know. Any one with a harmful intent can bully. The bully must not have any physical advantage in terms of body size or any other form of leverage. A common gender stereotype is that women are not good in competitive sports. Gender stereotypes are biased generalizations about the roles of individuals based on gender attributes. A predominant view about women is that they are generally poor in competitive sports. The main argument for this stereotype is based on traditional perceptions and beliefs about gender roles and sexuality. Other arguments are based on the fact that different performance measures and fitness levels are administered for female athletes. On the contrary, women are as good as men in competitive sports. While women and girls comprise a large part of the population, popular media do not cover women sports as equally as they cover men’s sports (Center for Gender Equality, 2006). Gender stereotyping is common in televised sports, hence, cementing the notion that women are sex objects and humorous fans, but not athletes. The Center for Gender Equality (2006) asserts that gender stereotypes and socialization contribute to the traditional gender roles of women and men, with the media playing a critical role in perpetuating this perception. One of the common stereotypes about old people and aging is that they are lonely and conservative homebodies, who live with relatives. This stereotype is perpetuated via the traditional patterns of behavior associated with Christianity, a predominant religion in our area. The arguments are based on the perception that terminally old people are heavily incapacitated by diseases and depend on other before death. Such generalizations affect the behavior and experiences of old people. People can be persuaded to believe they are elderly, even when they are still healthy and capable of taking care of themselves. More importantly, stereotypes about aging are constructed many years before individuals actually become old. On the contrary, there is a strong association between health and wellbeing. A critical analysis suggests the ‘lonely’ stereotype emanates from the fact that many old people live in houses with relatives. However, old people have a diverse social networking established throughout the years. This

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Physicians Assisted Suicide Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Physicians Assisted Suicide - Research Paper Example In addition, the practice would lessen the urgency to develop new medicines designed to prolong life. Those who oppose the practice on religious grounds argue that it is ‘playing God’ therefore sinful. Health care professionals cite the Hippocratic Oath which forbids them from carrying out this procedure. This paper will examine the moral and ethical concerns surrounding euthanasia, clarify the meaning of the term, present arguments both for and against the practice and conclude with a recommendation to resolve the issue. The word euthanasia is from Greek origin meaning ‘good death.’ Writers of 1700’s Britain referred to euthanasia as a being a preferential method by which to ‘die well’ (â€Å"Definition†, 2007). Euthanasia describes a situation in which a terminally ill patient is administered a lethal dose of medication, is removed from a life-support system or is simply allowed to die without active participation such as by resuscitation. A doctor’s involvement in the procedure could be to either prescribe a lethal dose of drugs with the express intent of ending a life or by intravenously inserting a needle into the terminal patient who then activates a switch that administers the fatal dose (Naji et al, 2005). Physicians, lawmakers, and philosophers have debated the notion of euthanasia since the beginning of recorded history but the wide public debate regarding its legalization has only surfaced over the past four decades. In the 1970’s it bec ame lawful to draft ‘living wills’ which allows a patient to refuse ‘heroic’ life saving medical assistance in the event they were incapacitated and could only survive by artificial means (Rich, 2001). In other words, it gave the next of kin the right to direct doctors to ‘pull the plug’ if the patient’s condition was considered hopeless, a practice which is now broadly accepted. The unfortunate reality is the majority of people in the U.S. die a ‘bad death.’   A study determined that â€Å"more often than not, patients died in pain, their desires concerning treatment neglected, after spending 10 days or more in an intensive care unit† (Horgan, 1996).   Most Americans (53 percent) believe euthanasia to be not only compassionate but ethically acceptable and 69 percent would support the legalization of euthanasia according to a Gallup Poll conducted in 2004 (â€Å"Public Grapples†, 2004).   Opponents of a doctor-assisted suicide law often cite the potential for doctor abuse.   However, recent Oregon and UK laws show that you can craft reasonable laws that prevent abuse and still protect the value of human life.   For example, laws could be drafted that requires the approval of two doctors plus a psychologist, a reasonable waiting period, family members’ written consent and limits the procedure to specific medical cond itions.     

Micro and Macro Management Essay Example for Free

Micro and Macro Management Essay Macro Management In a simple definition management is the person or persons who control or direct a business or other enterprise. However, management is much larger than just one person or small group of people. Management is also the practice of handling, supervision, direction, and control (www. dictionary. com). It is much larger than one person, or even a small group of people; management is everywhere. We use management in all aspects of our daily lives, whether it is organizing an event, or handling a purchase order. Management must be arranged through multiple levels in order to be successful, beginning with micro management, eventually its way up the ladder to macro management. Micro and macro components are the core make up of every business, each possessing different qualities and characteristics that form the overall building blocks to success. During the training of a new employee, most businesses use the micro-management process to provide the guidance and tools the employee needs to become successful with that business. Micro management is used my supervisors to observe and control the work of their employees. It involves giving employee smaller tasks, while they monitor and assess the work being done (www. dictionary. com). Micro management is often used in the beginning of any business or establishment; basically, you need to start somewhere. In the opening of a new business, guidance will always need to be offered from cooperate offices to ensure a clean transition in the opening process. Once a business is established, management will in turn micro manage their employees; guiding them through the procedures and responsibilities the company requires. Because micro managing involves supervisors overlooking the tasks their employees are undertaking, often times it is thought of as an unenthusiastic tactic. Through the eyes of an associate, micro managing can be de motivating, in turn creating doubt and lack of confidence in the workplace. Even though micro managing is used as an introductory tool, it can be drawn out for a longer duration of time. Distrust, skepticism, and uncertainty are typical feelings an employee may experience if their supervisor is abusing the method of micro managing. The role of manager is an important position of supervision in any organization. The supervisor/manager plays a key function, in the day to day needs of the organization, by finding a balance of work efficiency and managing personnel. This balance becomes even more prevalent when assigning projects or interacting with subordinates. This paper will analyze several aspects or pitfalls, managers could find themselves involved in; and will identify methods used to overcome these situations when supervising subordinates. The position of manager holds many responsibilities in an organization; those responsibilities range from dealing with requests from upper management and servicing employee’s needs, and while seeing to theses responsibilities, the manager still has to supervise the overall direction of his or her department. The multiple tasks a manager must operate within, requires the manager to be flexible and